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5 Largest French Door Refrigerator Models of 2025

Posted by Jeff Allaire on Jan 13, 2025 9:00 AM 


The French door refrigerator is a variation on the bottom freezer refrigerator, offering a split door for the refrigerator compartment that means you need less space available in front of the refrigerator to fully open the doors. (If you need more info before you choose a new model, check out our refrigerator buying guide!)

If you're smitten with French door refrigerators and are looking for the largest French door refrigerator models for your home, you're in the right place! Starting at the $2,099 price point, we've reviewed the features of the largest French door refrigerator models of the year from LG, GE, and Samsung, who dominate the XL refrigerator category. They are numbered for your convenience but listed in no particular order. Let's dig in!



Refrigerators French Door Largest Refrigerators

Refrigerator with Drawers - Designs, Reviews, & Pricing

Posted by Meredith Czymmek on Jan 30, 2023 8:30 AM 


Several manufacturers make refrigerators with drawers, and they come in a few different flavors. These models are sometimes referred to as four door refrigerators, but that can be confusing since... well... most of the time, we're dealing with an extra drawer, not an extra door! The most popular style (which our four door article linked above focuses on) is an additional drawer between the fresh and frozen compartments, usually with adjustable temperature controls. However, LG recently came out with a surprisingly affordable dual freezer drawer refrigerator we'll review below, and we'll also explore other brands like KitchenAid's dual drawers.


Refrigerators French Door

Best Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator - Frigidaire Professional vs KitchenAid

Posted by Todd Buehler on Apr 1, 2022 8:00 AM 


Counter depth refrigerators are an easy way to take the style of your kitchen to the next level. They're typically 36" wide and about 70" tall with a total depth of 28-31" including the handles, so they won't stick out past your countertops. In many remodeled kitchens, center islands are installed which carry a dishwasher, slide-in range or wall oven and cook top, while leaving the refrigerator on the out-skirting walls. With a full-depth refrigerator, you will find that there is not enough elbow room to walk between the island and refrigerator. This is a perfect opportunity for a counter depth model. It doesn't stick out, giving you more room in your kitchen and it gives you that clean modern finished look. You can read more about these models in our article on counter depth refrigerators


Refrigerators Counter Depth French Door

French Door vs Side By Side - What's Right for Your Kitchen?

Posted by Bob Allaire on Oct 29, 2021 9:30 AM 


If you are shopping for a new refrigerator for your home, you've probably found the French door style tempting due to its popularity and its prominence in stores. French door refrigerators took the market by storm a few years ago and haven't slowed down! But before you make the plunge, it can't hurt to take another look at the side-by-side refrigerator style. With their modern features and styling, side by sides may be a good option if you consider the shelving options and the efficiency of the food storage. New ice maker designs give you more shelf space in the freezer section, too! They can be a great alternative to French door models for budget-conscious shoppers.

It's a tough choice – so let's dig into the pros and cons of both styles! (Quick tip: If you're looking for more info on choosing the best refrigerator for your needs, check out our refrigerator buying guide!) We'll also review two top-selling models from each category.



Refrigerators Side by Side Refrigerators French Door

Should You Buy a French Door Refrigerator? - Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons

Posted by Bob Allaire on Dec 1, 2020 9:30 AM 


If you are considering a refrigerator with French doors, you are about to make a great choice!  The popularity of this style has exploded and many consumers love them! When searching for a new refrigerator, you'll probably want to consider all of your style options. In the past, you may have had the old standby refrigerator with the refrigerator on the bottom and freezer above or the once-popular side by side. We've compared French doors vs side by sides, but for most people the French door refrigerator offers the best elements of the bottom freezer and side by side refrigerator styles. (Check out our refrigerator buying guide for more info on choosing a new refrigerator!)


Refrigerators French Door


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